Over the last years I developped a Canvas that can be used as tool in Working Out Loud Circles. I described that Canvas in this blog post. In the blog and also in a post in the WOL facebook group I offered to run a web conference to explain the canvas and how to use it in the context of WOL. Some 60 people liked the idea and responded to the doodle to find time and date for the web conference.
The result of the doodle poll: we run a web conference at Monday 2018/7/9 from 4-5pm CEST (find your time at time.is). We will use zoom.us as a video conferencing service (link for participation: zoom.us/j/497571515). If you plan to take part please put your name in that doodle so I have an idea how many people will join.
[av_button label=’Zoom Web Conference (2018/7/9, 4-5pm CEST)‘ link=’manually,https://zoom.us/j/497571515′ link_target=’_blank‘ size=’small‘ position=’center‘ icon_select=’yes‘ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover‘ icon=’ue80b‘ font=’entypo-fontello‘ color=’theme-color‘ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff‘ admin_preview_bg=“ av_uid=’av-t2cc1a‘]
- Explanation of the lernOS Canvas and how to use it in Working Out Loud Circles
- AMA – Ask Me Anything (about the Canvas :-) – you can put your questions in the comments below before the session
I will put together some links and information here next week if you like to prepare for the session upfront (list will be updated until the web conference).
- lernOS Guide including Canvas (#lernOS), list of lernOS Roots & Inspirations
- Getting Things Done (#gtd)
- Objective Key Results (#okr)
- Observable Work (#owork)
- Working Out Loud (#wol)
- Business Model Canvas
Scholarch der Cogneon Akademie. Von der Ausbildung Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Nachrichtentechnik. Ich brenne für Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, New Work und Lebenslanges Lernen. Mitglied in Corporate Learning Community, Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement, Chaos Computer Club uvm. Weiterer Podcast unter http://knowledge-on-air.de.