- Referent: Dion Hinchcliffe (Dachis)
- The next enterprise journy: hierarchy, emergent community, community, …
- Life expectancy of the average corporation has dropped from 75 to 15 years (1940-today)
- Drivers for nextgen emterprises are: global connectivity, friction-less interaction platforms, next-gen mobility, focus on network effects, information superabundance, transparency/openness/broadcast, community-based power structures and knowledge flows
- „The bigges challenge is changing our thinking“, „we must become system thinkers“ (comment: here we are at the core discipline of the „Learning Organization“, a pity, Dion was not part of our discussion in Karlsruhe 2 weeks ago)
- „Gamification of business processes“ (comment: eat this QM/BPM/BPR community!)
- „To reach younger people have a app on their first screen“
- Burberry's social media vision as example
Scholarch der Cogneon Akademie. Von der Ausbildung Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Nachrichtentechnik. Ich brenne für Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, New Work und Lebenslanges Lernen. Mitglied in Corporate Learning Community, Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement, Chaos Computer Club uvm. Weiterer Podcast unter http://knowledge-on-air.de.