IC7 – Day 1

Here are some of my notes for the first day of the World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities:

Lucien Karpik: Economics of Singularities

  • New Public Mangement (NPM)
  • Measurement
    • Value of scientific paper = Value of the journal publishing it
    • Measurement tools replace peer review
  • Basic assumptions from “mainstream economics” are wrong but not questioned
    • Efficiency infreases with competition
    • Profit seeking strengthen competition
  • Market Theory does not apply to NPM (no demand/supply, no price, no self regulation mechanisms)
  • Tournament Theory (sport competition) may be better
  • Economics of Singularities (Multi-dimensionality, Incommensurability, Radical Quality Uncertainty)
    • Refusal of the gain/competition/efficiency proposition as a general proposal
    • Refusal of the postulate of goods and services general equivalence
    • Refusal of the usual goods and services definitions based either on differentiation or the distinction between “experience” and “research” products
  • Homo singularis: Max Weber – differentiation of symbolic action (value criteria) and material action (profit maximization)
  • Judgement devices in business (brands, critics, guides, networks, top-10) and research (journals, critics, networks)
  • Amount of citation as quality indicator

Tojo Yoshiaki: The Japanese Knowledge/IC Agenda

  • Intellectual Asset Management and Reporting
  • 3rd Innovation Survey
  • Wici Initiative
  • Infoplosion (35ZByte)
  • Data-driven Descision Making (DDD), Data-driven Innovation
  • McKinsey Big Data Publication
  • http://www.ytojo.com

Alistair Nolan: New Sources of Growth

  • A 2-year OECD project
  • Definition intangible assets from Baruch Lev: “claims on future benefits that do not have a physical or financial embodiment”
  • Nakamura (2001), Corrado, Hulten and Sichel (2005)
  • Intellectual Assets
    • Computerised information (software, databases)
    • Innovative properties (patents, copyrights, trademarks, designs)
    • Economic competencies(?) (brands)
  • In 1998 companies started to invest more in intangibles than in tangibles
  • Reasons:
    • rising educational attainment
    • many products become more knowledge-intensive
    • with globalisation/deregulation competitive advantage increasingly driven by innovation
    • fragmentation of value chain
    • new ICT increase the value of intangibles
    • growth of the service sector
  • Van Ark (2009)
  • In the project OECD will focus on measurement, taxation, data, corporate reporting, competition, knowledge networks and markets, global value chain
  • # of Design Schools in china went from 40 to over 400 (“our clothes are Italian, French and German, so the profits are all leaving China … We need to create brands, and fast”)

Vincent Delbecque: Investments in Intangibles and Economic Growth Performance

  • Types of Intangibles
    • Software & Databases
    • R&D
    • Artistic originals
    • Architecture and engineering design
    • Advertising
    • Organization
    • Training
  • Retail, Telecom, Pharma, Aircraft invest a lot in Intangibles
  • Findings
    • intangible investment has a positive impact on production
    • intangible asset is highly industry-specific – therefor need for industry-level innovation policy (no one-size-fits-all)

Bruno Menard: Human Capital and the Digital Enterprise

  • Bruno is President of cigref and CIO of Sanofi-Aventis
  • “Knowledge management is key for our companies”
  • cigref mission: “promoting the digital culture as a source of innovation and performance”
  • “Digital society requires the company to open itself up!”
  • Involving all departments and all skill-sets within the company in preparing a digital strategy, addressing every aspect of the company’s business model and internal culture.
  • A digital enterprise is a company with a digital vision and a digital plan for every aspect of its business model

Pierre-Etienne Franc: When Human Development meets with Business Performance

  • The Air Liquide Experience
  • Emergence, Growth, Maturity
  • Leadership: Performance is what we do, Responsibility is how we act
  • Definition of CSR is quite diverse (Goldman Sachs, Storebrand etc.)
  • Key actors were shareholders, employees, environment, innovation, then governance, communities, customers werde added
  • AL University (started in 2009) should raise employee triaining to 25h/year
  • Innovation rate as a KPI

Peter Pawlowsky: Competitive Advantage KM 2010 Practices in Germany

  • 3000 companies were analysed
  • Longitudinal analysis 2006 (n=2342)-2010 (3401)
  • Top fields of action
    • Internal information systems
    • project learnings
    • internet access in the workplace
    • transfer of experiences
    • continuous HR training
    • identification of strategic knowledge gaps
    • networking of experts
    • implementation of new ideas
  • In the next 12 month transfer of experiences, project learning and knowledge strategies are the top fields companies plan to invest
  • Knowledge identification top 4: direct customer relation, evaluation of customer complaints, analysis of mistakes, identification of key employees
  • Used knowledge lifecycle: knowledge identifikation, diffusion, retention, use
  • In all branches 15-33% of the companies have a high level of KM activities
  • Top 3 market challenges: quality competition, price competition, legal regulations
  • Customer oriented strategy, HRM-strategy, Innovation-strategy, Cost-strategy
  • KM is especially effective in combination with HR and QM strategies

Waltraud Ritter: Open Innovation in the emergent cleantech cluster in Guangdong

  • The Greater Pearl River Delta: http://www.thegprd.com
  • UNHSR: State of World Cities Report
  • Stakeholders: Universities, research institutions, government agencies

Dagmar Wayde-Koehler: Art and People

  • Art should be experienced in the first step personally (without experts)
  • being vs. becoming (allow yourself not to know)
  • Oubey.com videos

Andreas Brandner: The Art of Knowing

  • Art can be best use to communicate tacit knowledge
  • Art is a special, aesthetic way to capture and to transfer knowledge: It’s strength is based on the potential for a mobilisation of implicit knowledge through holistic identity, symbolism, philosophy of life (“weltanschauung”), paradoxy, delight/lust, humor, metaphysics, immateriality, seismography
  • Research of effect of intervention by art in enterprises (Schnugg 2010)
  • Art and philosophy/science were closely integrated until late 1800s (e.g. school of athens).
  • Art Brut (Jean Dubuffet, 1945)
  • “Triggering thoughts on extending the idea of a knowledge society towards a societal society”
  • Projects: knowledge column, vienna.knowledge.space, knowledge.art.project

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