Enterprise 2.0 Summit 2010 – Tag 1

It’s a pity but I can only be one day at this year’s Enterprise 2.0 Summit (E20S) in Frankfurt because I have customer meetings tomorrow. In addition I will talk tonight from 7-8 p.m. at “GfWM KnowledgeManagement Round Table Frankfurt” about “Knowledge Cities and Regional/Urban Knowledge Management” (with examples from Most Admired Knowledge City Award and Knowledge City World Summit).

Location: Le Meridien Hotel


Towards the Leader 2.0

  • Speaker: Richard Collin (@richardcollin)
  • „Enterprise 2.0 has nothing(!) to do with Web 2.0 … it’s a new model for the enterprise …“
  • Book tips:
    • „The Future of Management“ by Gary Hamel; funny: the french translation means „the end of management“ (note: Gary Hamel also started the Management Innovation Lab)
    • Center of Creative Leadership – The Changing Nature of Leadership
    • … and some more …
  • Important is the „framework in which we are acting as person“ (Territory, Goods, Dow Jones, …); instead the „economy of goods“ the „economy of information“ is emerging and this changes everything („the ’north point‘ is changing and we have to manage the transition).
  • „The crisis is not behind us it is in front because it is no crisis it is a shift“.
  • Three major transitions: 1. invention of writing 2. invention of book 3. invention of internet
  • „The transition is the end of (business) process“ (note: I personally think that is not true. The thing is that knowledge-intensive processes can not designed in the same way like repetitive routine processes (ARIS, …) but we will definitly need them. Like Nonake in his hypertext-organization-model says we need hierarchy-layer, process-layer AND knowledge-layer in the enterprise)
  • Value Chain 2.0 model, there are no borders of enterprise anymore.
  • Leadership 2.0: The knowledge harvester, The skill gardener, (one more :)
  • The „Director of Organization“ at Danone changed his title to „Director of Social Prospective“.

Enterprise 2.0 – State of the Art

  • Speaker: Thorsten Petry (Wiesbaden Business School)
  • All messages come from a European E2.0 study
  • Enterprise 2.0 Definition „Company-internal use of social media to improve efficiency“ (note: I think E2.0s should also think about improving effectiveness. This means to review the mission statement of the organization and see if accourding to our knowledge it is a „good“ mission because we have the biggest problems today with companies that are financially successful but a catastrophe for society).
  • In 2008/2009 the „Enterprise 2.0 Boom“ started, companies that used it before were the pioneers (Funny: we had our customer un-conference „Knowledge Jam“ in 2005/2006 around „Wiki“ and „Social Software“, so we were among the pioneers)
  • Private use of social media is by 20-40% higher than usage in companies (even for „collective work with collaboration software“) … people are willing to use social media – LET THEM!
  • Main objectives are providing implicit knowledge, improvement of information storage and increase in the ability for innovation. It is NOT „improvement of employee motivation“.
  • 87% of study participants don’t expect a „flatter hierarchy“ as result.
  • Expected organizational and cultural changes are: more open communication, more open access to information, more intensive cooperation between areas and departements and improved innovation culture.

 Towards Enterprise 2.0

  • Speaker: Cécile Demailly (Early Strategies)
  • Reports from study Towards Enterprise 2.0 – Making the change in the Cooperation (PDF, 2010)
  • Three success factors:
    • Give it sense (organizational level: support strategic vision; individual level: must help in daily work; management level: must help create new management model)
    • Make it balanced (change facilitation: people, knowledge, technology; change leadership: collaboration between IT, HR and Communication; change agency; change effectiveness: top-down/bottom-up; employee adoption)
    • Sustain the change cycle (Awekening, Envisioning, Re-Architecting, Leverating and streching)
  • 30% of respondends said that ROI is intangible

Efficient adoption of Web 2.0 – still a challenge for large companies

  • Speaker: Juliette Girard (Renault Web 2.0 Programm Manager)
  • „Sharing knowledge is the key success factor for our company!“
  • 10 years ago Renault created a Business to Employee programm (not related to IT) with objectives:
    • Improve individual performance (B2E (55.000 user, 8000 groups), B2B portals)
    • Improve group performance (eCollaboration, virtual Workspaces, Social Networks)
    • … on more … :)
  • „Motivation comes from fun, self-estime and generosity“.
  • Vision of Renault 2.0: External world and Corporate world: inform/dialogue (blogs, twitts, wiki, intranet, forum), build networks (online communities), develop collaboration and share/innovate (innovation jams).
  • Note: the slide for the collaboration services looks like MS SharePoint is used (first screen shot, yes it is MOSS :)
  • Good idea: Renault has KPIs for communities (business indicators, usage indicators, tools indicators) for every pilot.
  • Change management strategy: 1. Adopt 2. Educate 3. Share (with green kit, blue kit, red kit, black kit)
  • First social network was one to boost women carriers (note: very innovative!)

Exploring the Adoption Archetypes

  • Speakers: Alexander Richter, Alexander Stocker
  • Alexander Richter and Alexander Stockinger
  • „Archetypes are patterns of understanding“
  • Explorative study, grounded theory approach
  • From the Web (adoption and use of social software on the web) into Intranet
  • Bottom-up vs. top-down
  • 21 Enterprise 2.0 case studies were analyzed (ABB, accenture, Bosch, Capgemini, Communardo, DSV, Fraport, IBM, infineon, IVM, Andritz, Microsoft, pentos, Raiffeisen Informatik, SAP, Siemens, Spirit Link, Synaxon, T-Systems)
  • Archetype 1: Exploration (continuously identifying feasible usage scenarios for IT-services, which are suitable for any use)
  • Archetype 2: Promotion (coordinated communication and targeted training of IT-services with focus on certain modes of use)
  • For wikis and weblogs promotion is the dominant strategy, for microblogging it is rather exploration.

Exploring the Adoption Archetype

  • Speaker: Luis Suarez (IBM, @elsua)
  • IBM BlueIQ programme
  • „40 yrs. ago on the ibm mainframe had already a function for sending/broadcasting messages (=microblogging)“
  • Whitepaper „Nurturing BlueIQ: Enterprise 2.0 Adoption in IBM
  • „The major drivers of social software behind the firewall is communities … we need a comunity of community leaders“ (So true!)
  • „Several dozens of the managers at IBM are using social software“ (IBM has more than 40.000!)
  • Learnings
    • In a 5 stage maturity model (1. See value 2. Recognize business use 3. Alltogether now 4. Integrate workflows 5. Shift perspective) IBM sees itself at between 3 and 4
    • Different level of maturation (guidelines and governance, adoption, measurement, infrastructure)
    • At the road ahead change management will be a big issue because change of behaviour takes time.

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