It’s a pity but I can only be one day at this year’s Enterprise 2.0 Summit (E20S) in Frankfurt because I have customer meetings tomorrow. In addition I will talk tonight from 7-8 p.m. at “GfWM KnowledgeManagement Round Table Frankfurt” about “Knowledge Cities and Regional/Urban Knowledge Management” (with examples from Most Admired Knowledge City Award and Knowledge City World Summit).
Location: Le Meridien Hotel
Towards the Leader 2.0
- Speaker: Richard Collin (@richardcollin)
- „Enterprise 2.0 has nothing(!) to do with Web 2.0 … it’s a new model for the enterprise …“
- Book tips:
- „The Future of Management“ by Gary Hamel; funny: the french translation means „the end of management“ (note: Gary Hamel also started the Management Innovation Lab)
- Center of Creative Leadership – The Changing Nature of Leadership
- … and some more …
- Important is the „framework in which we are acting as person“ (Territory, Goods, Dow Jones, …); instead the „economy of goods“ the „economy of information“ is emerging and this changes everything („the ’north point‘ is changing and we have to manage the transition).
- „The crisis is not behind us it is in front because it is no crisis it is a shift“.
- Three major transitions: 1. invention of writing 2. invention of book 3. invention of internet
- „The transition is the end of (business) process“ (note: I personally think that is not true. The thing is that knowledge-intensive processes can not designed in the same way like repetitive routine processes (ARIS, …) but we will definitly need them. Like Nonake in his hypertext-organization-model says we need hierarchy-layer, process-layer AND knowledge-layer in the enterprise)
- Value Chain 2.0 model, there are no borders of enterprise anymore.
- Leadership 2.0: The knowledge harvester, The skill gardener, (one more :)
- The „Director of Organization“ at Danone changed his title to „Director of Social Prospective“.
Enterprise 2.0 – State of the Art
- Speaker: Thorsten Petry (Wiesbaden Business School)
- All messages come from a European E2.0 study
- Enterprise 2.0 Definition „Company-internal use of social media to improve efficiency“ (note: I think E2.0s should also think about improving effectiveness. This means to review the mission statement of the organization and see if accourding to our knowledge it is a „good“ mission because we have the biggest problems today with companies that are financially successful but a catastrophe for society).
- In 2008/2009 the „Enterprise 2.0 Boom“ started, companies that used it before were the pioneers (Funny: we had our customer un-conference „Knowledge Jam“ in 2005/2006 around „Wiki“ and „Social Software“, so we were among the pioneers)
- Private use of social media is by 20-40% higher than usage in companies (even for „collective work with collaboration software“) … people are willing to use social media – LET THEM!
- Main objectives are providing implicit knowledge, improvement of information storage and increase in the ability for innovation. It is NOT „improvement of employee motivation“.
- 87% of study participants don’t expect a „flatter hierarchy“ as result.
- Expected organizational and cultural changes are: more open communication, more open access to information, more intensive cooperation between areas and departements and improved innovation culture.
Towards Enterprise 2.0
- Speaker: Cécile Demailly (Early Strategies)
- Reports from study Towards Enterprise 2.0 – Making the change in the Cooperation (PDF, 2010)
- Three success factors:
- Give it sense (organizational level: support strategic vision; individual level: must help in daily work; management level: must help create new management model)
- Make it balanced (change facilitation: people, knowledge, technology; change leadership: collaboration between IT, HR and Communication; change agency; change effectiveness: top-down/bottom-up; employee adoption)
- Sustain the change cycle (Awekening, Envisioning, Re-Architecting, Leverating and streching)
- 30% of respondends said that ROI is intangible
Efficient adoption of Web 2.0 – still a challenge for large companies
- Speaker: Juliette Girard (Renault Web 2.0 Programm Manager)
- „Sharing knowledge is the key success factor for our company!“
- 10 years ago Renault created a Business to Employee programm (not related to IT) with objectives:
- Improve individual performance (B2E (55.000 user, 8000 groups), B2B portals)
- Improve group performance (eCollaboration, virtual Workspaces, Social Networks)
- … on more … :)
- „Motivation comes from fun, self-estime and generosity“.
- Vision of Renault 2.0: External world and Corporate world: inform/dialogue (blogs, twitts, wiki, intranet, forum), build networks (online communities), develop collaboration and share/innovate (innovation jams).
- Note: the slide for the collaboration services looks like MS SharePoint is used (first screen shot, yes it is MOSS :)
- Good idea: Renault has KPIs for communities (business indicators, usage indicators, tools indicators) for every pilot.
- Change management strategy: 1. Adopt 2. Educate 3. Share (with green kit, blue kit, red kit, black kit)
- First social network was one to boost women carriers (note: very innovative!)
Exploring the Adoption Archetypes
- Speakers: Alexander Richter, Alexander Stocker
- Alexander Richter and Alexander Stockinger
- „Archetypes are patterns of understanding“
- Explorative study, grounded theory approach
- From the Web (adoption and use of social software on the web) into Intranet
- Bottom-up vs. top-down
- 21 Enterprise 2.0 case studies were analyzed (ABB, accenture, Bosch, Capgemini, Communardo, DSV, Fraport, IBM, infineon, IVM, Andritz, Microsoft, pentos, Raiffeisen Informatik, SAP, Siemens, Spirit Link, Synaxon, T-Systems)
- Archetype 1: Exploration (continuously identifying feasible usage scenarios for IT-services, which are suitable for any use)
- Archetype 2: Promotion (coordinated communication and targeted training of IT-services with focus on certain modes of use)
- For wikis and weblogs promotion is the dominant strategy, for microblogging it is rather exploration.
Exploring the Adoption Archetype
- Speaker: Luis Suarez (IBM, @elsua)
- IBM BlueIQ programme
- „40 yrs. ago on the ibm mainframe had already a function for sending/broadcasting messages (=microblogging)“
- Whitepaper „Nurturing BlueIQ: Enterprise 2.0 Adoption in IBM„
- „The major drivers of social software behind the firewall is communities … we need a comunity of community leaders“ (So true!)
- „Several dozens of the managers at IBM are using social software“ (IBM has more than 40.000!)
- Learnings
- In a 5 stage maturity model (1. See value 2. Recognize business use 3. Alltogether now 4. Integrate workflows 5. Shift perspective) IBM sees itself at between 3 and 4
- Different level of maturation (guidelines and governance, adoption, measurement, infrastructure)
- At the road ahead change management will be a big issue because change of behaviour takes time.
Scholarch der Cogneon Akademie. Von der Ausbildung Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Nachrichtentechnik. Ich brenne für Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, New Work und Lebenslanges Lernen. Mitglied in Corporate Learning Community, Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement, Chaos Computer Club uvm. Weiterer Podcast unter