Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony took place at the very nicht Wouzhou Guest House facilities:
Opening Ceremony – Wang Rong
Wang Rong, the acting mayor of Shenzen was opening the 2nd knowledge summit in the Wouzhou Guest House.
Opening Ceremony – Leif Edvinsson
- The Creative Industries.
- Knowledge Cities have to have a „Knowledge Harbour“.
- Cultivate and Renew Urban Capital with a Mindzone (Urban Capital includes Human Capital, Relational Capital, Social Capital and Structural Capital)
- To build the Urban Capital we need Future Centers.
- Top IC Countries Benchmark done by Carol Y.Y. (Journal of Intellectual Capital).
- Aalto Camp on Societal and Social Innovations on June 28 – July 06 2010 to design the 3-leged chair: academical, political and business entrepreneurship (Comment: see also the Social Innovations Camps).
Opening Ceremony – Wang Weiguang
Wang Weiguang (Executive Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences):
- China wants to be a creative country and a learning society.
- Shenzhen is the representative of knowledge cities in china.
Opening Ceremony – Chen Jin
Chen Jin (Deputy Director of Party Literature Research Center):
Scholarch der Cogneon Akademie. Von der Ausbildung Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Nachrichtentechnik. Ich brenne für Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, New Work und Lebenslanges Lernen. Mitglied in Corporate Learning Community, Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement, Chaos Computer Club uvm. Weiterer Podcast unter