Zur Vorbereitung auf einen Workshop, bei dem es um die zukünftige Ausrichtung der IT-Infrastruktur eines Kunden geht, habe ich die Thematik Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 und soziale Software in Unternehmen aufgearbeitet. Hier einige wichtige Links zum Thema:
- 1.0 vs. 2.0
- technical vs. social
- technology-centered vs. people-centered
- centralized vs. decentralized
- information vs. collaboration
- read-only vs. read/write(/execute)
- consumption vs. participation
- knowledge authorities vs. wisdom of crowds
- taxonomy vs. folksonomy
- monoloitic systems vs. small pieces loosley joined
- companies vs. communities
- owning vs. sharing
- Web 2.0
- Web 2.0 vs. Social Software (technischer vs. sozialer Aspekt des sozio-technischen Systems)
- Office 2.0
- Unconference (Conference 2.0)
- Enterprise 2.0 (Enterprise Social Software)
- Enterprise 2.0
- Five Predictions for Enterprise 2.0 in 2007
- Enterprise 2.0 getting started
- Ten questions companies should ask themselves about Enterprise 2.0
- Top 10 Management Fears About Enterprise Web 2.0
- Will Enterprise Web 2.0 totally transform enterprise knowledge management?
- Is ECM Ready for Enterprise 2.0?
- E-Learning 2.0
- Connectivism
- Web 2.0 for Enterprise
- Can Enterprise 2.0 evolve from Enterprise 1.0?
- FastForwardBlog
- Gilbane Report: Blogs&Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?
- MIT Sloan Management Review: Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration
- Intranet Social Bookmarking: Tagging Behind the Firewall
- IBM and Enterprise 2.0
- Microsoft and Enterprise 2.0
- Conducting Intranet needs analysis (Stakeholder interviews as simple knowledge mapping)
- Enterprise 2.0 Tools
- Microsoft Office Sharepoint Portal Serer: enterprise information Portal (Sharepointhosting.com: Sharepoint 2007 Hosting, Sharepoint Video Tutorials).
- Confluence: Enterprise Wiki Engine.
- Blogtronix: enterprise 2.0 blogging, wiki and social networking
- Socialtext: Enterprise Wiki.
Scholarch der Cogneon Akademie. Von der Ausbildung Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Nachrichtentechnik. Ich brenne für Lernende Organisationen, Wissensmanagement, New Work und Lebenslanges Lernen. Mitglied in Corporate Learning Community, Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement, Chaos Computer Club uvm. Weiterer Podcast unter http://knowledge-on-air.de.