Enterprise 2.0 Workshop

Zur Vorbereitung auf einen Workshop, bei dem es um die zukünftige Ausrichtung der IT-Infrastruktur eines Kunden geht, habe ich die Thematik Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0 und soziale Software in Unternehmen aufgearbeitet. Hier einige wichtige Links zum Thema:

  • 1.0 vs. 2.0
    • technical vs. social
    • technology-centered vs. people-centered
    • centralized vs. decentralized
    • information vs. collaboration
    • read-only vs. read/write(/execute)
    • consumption vs. participation
    • knowledge authorities vs. wisdom of crowds
    • taxonomy vs. folksonomy
    • monoloitic systems vs. small pieces loosley joined
    • companies vs. communities
    • owning vs. sharing
  • Web 2.0
  • Enterprise 2.0 (Enterprise Social Software)
    • Enterprise 2.0
    • Five Predictions for Enterprise 2.0 in 2007
    • Enterprise 2.0 getting started
    • Ten questions companies should ask themselves about Enterprise 2.0
    • Top 10 Management Fears About Enterprise Web 2.0
    • Will Enterprise Web 2.0 totally transform enterprise knowledge management?
    • Is ECM Ready for Enterprise 2.0?
    • E-Learning 2.0
    • Connectivism
    • Web 2.0 for Enterprise
    • Can Enterprise 2.0 evolve from Enterprise 1.0?
    • FastForwardBlog
    • Gilbane Report: Blogs&Wikis: Technologies for Enterprise Applications?
    • MIT Sloan Management Review: Enterprise 2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration
    • Intranet Social Bookmarking: Tagging Behind the Firewall
    • IBM and Enterprise 2.0
    • Microsoft and Enterprise 2.0
    • Conducting Intranet needs analysis (Stakeholder interviews as simple knowledge mapping)
  • Enterprise 2.0 Tools

    • Drupal: Open-Source collaboration-oriented Portal-System (Users: Sony, SecondLife, United Nations, MTV, IBM, NATO, NASA, Yahoo).

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